Okay, so I've been doing a little bit of shopping lately....okay, alot of shopping. I can't stop!! I see all these cute things that I just absolutely MUST have my hands on. Here are just a few from the last couple of days....

The Lion plays "You are my sunshine" when you press the little sun around his neck and the Noah's Ark plays "Rock-a-bye baby" when you pull the star and the lights go on and off in the front. I just HAD to have these as they match the theme for her room. TOO CUTE!

And then I found these 3 things:
1. Noah pulling the hippo
(for her first tooth), the lion (
her first curl...although asian babies normally have straight hair, oh well, improvise) and the giraffe
(for her first bracelet???? just in case she was born with one).2. Lion, hippo and Noah in the boat that has 3 separate compartments for all her hair accessories
(see below) and other goodies
3. And a wall hookie thingy
(you know what I mean)
And of course, another outfit! I know, I know, since I don't know what size she is, she could very well be wearing this outfit in dead of winter next year, but boy will she look cute all froze up!
(I'd put a jacket on her...sheesh!)
Hi there. Thanks for your comment on my blog. I do not know 100% that the cut off is May 31 rather than May 30, but I do know that there will be no June referrals. Good luck to you and I hope you are included. Keep me posted.
Very cute stuff! If we buy this much for our girls before we have them, how will we stop the madness when they're in our arms?
I've enjoyed reading your blog and will follow it daily, waiting for the big announcement that Jenna's referral has arrived! Oh what a day that will be!
I noticed you're in Sherwood Park. I was out there a couple of years ago. What a pretty city! I stayed at the Best Western (in the middle of nowhere!) with a friend while she conducted piano examinations. I have another friend who lives there, is a Creative Memories consultant and attends the Alliance Church. Small world!
Nice meeting you.
Hey there, check out the referral rumors at http://www.isorumors.blogspot.com/
That's where a lot of people are getting the referral rumors.
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