So last week I thought I'd get over the Old Navy to get one of the cute costumes they have out for toddlers but as I was getting some things over at Zellers, I saw this cute little caterpillar suit. I LOVED IT!!! However, my dear daughter didn't have the same love for it......

And being the good mother I am, I didn't even put the camera down when she was clearly not happy about being a bug. A bug only a mother could love!!!
In other news, Jenna's baptism is on the 24th of this month. The baptism gown I bought for her in China JUST fits. Length wise it's okay but it's a little tight around the Buddha belly. Oh well, she'll only have it on for a few hours. And I'm sure by then she will be walking up a storm. Right now she can pretty much take about 5-6 steps all on her own before falling into your arms. She's standing alot more, but still is struggling to get from a sit position to a standing position. All in due time I suppose.
And for those of you who keep asking about the sores on her head....the shampoo that the dermatologist prescribed to me last week as worked it's magic and it seems that there are no new sores forming and the old sores are pretty much drying up. Who knew after all these months that a simple shampoo would do the trick!!!
I will leave you all with this picture of my baby girl in her white silk baptism little angel is getting so big!!!!

Jenna looks so adorable in her costume, even if she does not think so. I love Halloween too and cannot wait to take Shayna out.
Beth and Shayna E.
aaaah the poor little "bug"
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