Well today Jenna had her first physical exam and she did remarkably well. They weighed her and measured her and it seems that with all the food we’ve been giving this little girl, she still weighs the same as when we got her. She sat there so nicely for the nurses and the doctor as they poked and prodded at her. Some of the babies did not like it one bit and that was evident from the screaming we heard from outside the exam rooms. She seems to be measuring on target with weight and a little under in the height category. Not to worry though, we don’t want her being taller than her parents anyway so it all works out good in the end. The doctor and nurses spoke English and were very nice. The clinic was also very clean with lots of toys for the kids to play with, unlike the hospital that some of the babies had to go to in Nanchang. After hearing the conditions of the hospital, I was a little scared about what the clinic was going to look like, but I was pleasantly surprised. It reminded me of a Medicentre back home and it was in a mall so we were able to do a bit of shopping after the physicals….which for me was a bonus. After her nap, we’ll take her down for some lunch and then maybe out for a walk and a little more shopping. Tonight we have a dinner planned with our guide and Jenna, one of the staff from Children’s Bridge who accompanied us on our journey. It will be nice to have some authentic Chinese dinner with someone who knows what to order!!! Gary and I are really ready to come home though. Eating out everyday and living out of a suitcase in a cramped hotel room has definitely run its course. And I’m sure Gary has had enough shopping to last him 2 lifetimes. Can’t wait to get home!!
The Vista Clinia

Jenna sitting on a box all by herself!

Jenna standing against a wall all by herself!!

Hanging out, checking out the toys

With the nurses, being so good

Measuring her big noggin

I think she likes being poked at

This doctor must have thought I was crazy taking all these pictures.

"Breeze in....breeze out......"
Thanks for the beautiful pictures.
She is soooooo cute!!!!!
I love that dress..it certainly has come full circle hasn't it? I think that was one that you gave Alex way back when.
She's adorable.
Hi Gi, she sure look happy and contented. To me she looks like she have grown since the first day you had her. I agree how hard it is to be away from home! Can't wait to see you at the airport. Mom & Dad
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