It's so hard to imagine that in 4 more sleeps, the "Journey to Our Sweet Jenna" will finally begin. Everyone asks if I'm excited, and of course my answer is yes. But quite honestly, I would of thought I'd be more excited. I guess with all the loose ends left to tie up, my mind has been completely focused on paperwork, buying supplies and making sure I don't forget anything. I know that I'm bringing more than enough with us to China, and I also realize that things can be purchased there, but I guess I'm just on super-extremely-anal mode right now. I guess, at the end of the day, I have to stop and realize that it doesn't matter what outfits I bring her to wear, or whether or not the shoes I bought her are going to fit, or if we have enough medication for all the just-in-cases. What matters is that we're going there to pick up our daughter and finally bring her home where she belongs.
Am I excited. Sure. Am I nervous? Hell yah. Am I packed?...........not yet.
Good luck we look forward to reading your travel blogs.
Ooh I'm so excited for you guys. Have a good trip and bring your Jenna home. I'm looking forward to reading your updates from China.
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