Well, it's now just about the middle of November and still no word on our Jenna. There are now 4 groups ahead of us awaiting referral and the buzz is that the next set of referrals will be arriving in the next couple of weeks. This wait is excruciating at times but I must remember that with the estmated wait of 7 1/2 months, our referral really isn't expected until late December or middle of January. However, we did get our travel information package from our agency so that must mean we're getting closer. I ordered her crib about 3 weeks ago so it should be arriving in another 5-6 weeks. There are a few items now sitting in her room (that still has to be painted of course) that are waiting for her arrival.
Anyway, hopefully my next post will FINALLY include a picture of our Jenna for us to show off.
Until then..............